Your position
Yes, I see. Your position is unimpeachable. You have all the facts and you have configured them in the only possible logical configuration. This is true. And anyone who attempts to question it is either ignorant or stupid or, probably, both. And you will be sure to tell them that--every time. Before you send your missile to obliterate their hut, you will be sure they know the unfathomable depth of their ignorance, the immeasurable quotient of their stupidity. Nothing they say could dent or even scratch the shiny surface of your truth. It is truth itself like a noon sun in a cloudless sky. Of course it is. You have the true, the actual, the real facts. There are no others. You have organized them rigorously in the only way they can be organized. The structure is solid. You cannot bore a hole in it with your illicit "fact" or your noodly "logic."
So why don't you believe it? Why this horrible insecurity. What gnaws at you? What is telling you "there must be something wrong here? Some plank in my logic is misplaced, some fact is missing or only half there?" No, you tell yourself, that can't be true. I have to be right. I have seen this from every angle. I have investigated every claim. I have ALL the facts. I have arranged them in THE ONLY POSSIBLE arrangement. This is true. Yes, it is. And I will attack; I will lash our like a rabid beast at anyone to assaults my fortress of historical fact and lucid logic. ANYONE WHO SAW WHAT I SEE WOULD COME TO THE SAME CONCLUSION. It is the only conclusion. I am right, and you, sir, are a fucking idiot! How astonished I am, how absolutely floored we all are, that you have brainpower enough to support the function of your lungs!
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