On Taunting
The older and more experienced I get, the more I realize how much of human behavior that feels as though it has been chosen is really as instinctive as that of any animal. Taunting is a good example--but one could offer infinite examples. Little children taunt. Athletes taunt. Taunting as a dominance trait, like the pounding of the chest. It secures the position of the strong and intimidates the weak. It's why Donald Trump--who is all instinct and no mind whatsoever--taunts incessantly.
I've come to understand that Free Will isn't something we have. It's something we have the potential to develop. It requires will. We have the ability to become a soul, as it were. C. S. Lewis says "You are a soul; you have a body." But in moral terms that is not true. You're born a body--pure animal. You develop or fail to develop a soul. On won't speculate on what that looks like to God.
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