Those who call themselves "Christians"

 They are almost never the Christians. Those who freely quote "I am the way," show you only the way to hate and destruction. The Christians are those who, whether can wrap their brains around the obvious logical contradiction that a being can by "wholly God" and, simultaneously "wholly man," feed the hungry, help the needy, love the unloved, encourage the best and forgive the worst. 

Christian churches misunderstand not just the gospel but their own history as well if they think that Constantine did them any favors. I think that Christianity took a wrong turn as early as Paul, who probably meant well, but who established the church as an organization whose interests came to include its own perpetuation, about which God doesn't care at all, and not the wisdom of the Christ. Constantine made everything worse when he brought the church into the state, with which it as no business. And now that it is an institution whose interests are in itself as an institution and not as a vehicle for the spirit, for the growth of the kingdom, it rarely does the real work of Christ. It preaches salvation. I don't know what that means. Jesus preached love. Preach love and let salvation take care of itself.


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