Belief in God?

 I heard the recent former head of the National Institute of Health, Francis Collins, Dr. Fauci's former boss, talk about his evangelical faith on NPR yesterday. We don't hear someone share his testimony in front of the nation very often. And we don't get to hear from an intelligent, thoughtful evangelical on pubic media. Almost every self-avowed Christian who gets onto the airwaves is essentially a crackpot, a representative caricature. So it's nice to hear that you don't have to be a reason- and science-hating person to avow faith. 

Collins of course draws his intellectual justification from C.S. Lewis. I find Lewis always worth reading but also problematic. He seems to be returning to the medieval idea that you can find God through reason: that reason leads to the inevitable conclusion that, at the least, it makes more sense to believe in God than not to. Very few thinkers believe this. Even if Lewis says that his job is to make it clear that it is not unreasonable to believe in God, in fact he goes much further than that. 


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