What God Can't Do
I'm struck today by a number of things. I could start again with the proposition, endless repeated these thousand years, that a good God, all powerful, all loving would never had created this universe. I could start too with the notion what with logic, as with math, the notion that X is logically necessary, it exists. Mathematical necessity has led science to find any number of things that they would not even have looked for had not the equations led them there. We assume logic does the same. And yet math equally takes us places that don't exist or don't work. Math allows time to go backwards. Math allows for an infinite division between any two moments or objects. Math and logic are representations, good, helpful, limited. Tools. I can use my hammer to drive smaller and smaller nails until the hammer is too big for the job. Listen: Believe in God requires that we accept apparent contradictions. We don't do it blindly or capriciously. But we do it. We justify this on ...